Welcome back Jess!

Posted by ANGELA HARRISON in Back Pain, Consultations, Ergonomics, Family Business, Total Back Care on Wednesday 3 April 2019

Our popular Ergonomist, Mrs Jessica Roberts, has returned from Maternity Leave & is taking appointments at The Studio on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays. She’ll be clients main point of contact at The Studio, as Dr Rob Harrison’s services are increasingly in demand for in-house consultations from a far wider geographical area.

We’d like to express immense gratitude to our daughters, Amy & Eloise, who worked incredibly hard to help cover Jess’s leave – through some of our busiest ever months!

Congratulations Jess & welcome back to our team!

To book your consultation call 0121 454 3900, email info@totalbackcare.co.uk or use the Contact page on our website.