Jess’s Maternity Leave Cover.

Posted by ANGELA HARRISON in Consultations, Ergonomics, Family Business, Total Back Care on Friday 7 September 2018

Our popular Ergonomic Consultant, Jessica, goes on Maternity Leave from 10th Sept & we’ll miss her exuberance & meticulous organisational skills at The Studio!  She’ll be back with us in March 2019 & Dr Rob Harrison will cover her consultations until then.

We’re delighted to welcome Amy to our team, who will be covering Jess’s client liaison & administration roles until November, when sister Elly will be taking over the reins.  Amy has a BSc(Hons) Neuroscience & recently completed a Masters Degree in Psychology.  She’ll be with us to gain valuable business experience before travelling to Australia for some well earned time out!

Our wanderlust Director Angela will be grounded after upcoming travels to Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia to cover the remainder of Jess’s leave.

We send heaps of good wishes to Jess for her maternity leave – and very much look forward to her return to The Studio!