Getting the Car Setup Right

Posted by Jessica Roberts in Back Pain, Consultations, Ergonomics, Total Back Care on Tuesday 21 November 2017

Nowadays, most people drive and this can have an impact on day to day living. Whilst short journeys may not be problematic, if you drive for long periods of time without taking a break, you may experience back/shoulder/neck pain. One reason for this is incorrect seating set up.

During a Driving Consultation at Total Back Care, you’ll get expert ergonomic advice on the optimal set up for your body in the car you drive. This incorporates making adjustments to a bucketing seat, back angle, steering column height, legroom availability & so on. You’ll also be able to try out a range of seating wedges & lumbar support combinations to ensure both your comfort & support.

This service incurs a £10 inc.vat fee and it is always preferable to let us know you’re coming to ensure the availability of a Consultant.  Call Jessica on 0121 454 3900 to make your appointment and parking is available right outside The Studio.